Clean, sanitize, and wear a mask!

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July 17, 2020

Hello everyone! Well 2020 has been a serious struggle, our world will probably never be this same. As restrictions begin to lift in late May I felt that maybe things were on the upturn and we can start getting back to normal.

Well it’s mid July now and cases are on the rise. Late yesterday, July 15th, we were informed that our 95 year old grandfather is COVID-19 positive and also has a severe case of pneumonia. He lives in Texas and most of his children and grandchildren live in Missouri so we can only get updates via phone calls and texts.

I hear many people say they think that COVID-19 is not real or it is just something that the media is making up. Well it’s real and it is affecting people that I care about deeply.

Please stay conscious and alert. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and if you are showing symptoms please self quarantine until you can be sure you do not have it. There are people out here that are aware they have the virus and are still going out, traveling, and living life as usual. Please note that not only will this affect you but you are putting many others in danger.

Please add my grandfather to your prayer circles, his name is Rev. Calvin Ruffin. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

God’s Peace be with you always!

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