Tests and Trials

Since 2012 my life has spun out of control. I have suffered from health issues and every four years I have lost people I hold near and dear to me. I lost my sweet Grandmother, Girtha Lee Ruffin, in 2012 to shingles and pneumonia, my dear mother, Glendra Jean Raymond, in 2016 to Cancer, and in 2020 I lost my …

New Year, New Me

2019 was a hard year for me which caused me to take a step back and reflect on myself. What I found out was that I still have a lot of grief over the loss of my mother. I was depressed, unmotivated, anxious, and I was not able to get much of anything done. In 2018 I completed donations every …

Happy New Year!

Looking over 2018 everything didn’t go as I had planned, however we were able to donate items to several different charities. We started off crocheting hats for Little Heads Big Hearts, then we made blankets and donated them in honor of Ms. Zella Hotep to North Kansas City Hospice, we donated knitted shower caddies to New House, we donated several …

Knitting and crocheting time!

First let me apologize for my absence I’ve been struggling with depression lately and did not feel motivated to do anything. But I doing better and I’m ready to get busy knitting and crocheting items to donate. I have several projects coming up in the next couple of months including our annual giveaway on December 14th. If you are interested …

Happy birthday mommy!!

Well this month has been extremely hard for me anticipating my mother’s birthday. My plan was to deliver Chemo Care Bags to Children’s Mercy today but due to an extremely depressing month I had no motivation to get out of the bed or pick up anything to crochet or knit it. I finally started on a blanket about a week …

It’s been a busy month…

This month we were able to finally get a couple of donations I had out to North Kansas City Hospice on May 5th and to NewHouse Shelter on May 4th. My anxiety was extremely high so I just passed the projects off to a couple of my dear friends to pass out to the individuals we were donating to. Thank …

Donations April 2018

Well I finally got finished with the blankets I was crocheting for the North Kansas City Hospice Center. I’m donating these in loving memory of Mrs. Zella Hotep one of my best friends mother who passed away April 10, 2017 from kidney disease. I’m so happy to do this and plan on making this an annual project. Please visit us …